The Power of Advanced Modelling for Revenue Generation & Customer Retention
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Converting data outputs into business outcomes
AI readiness
Value creation & risks: Generative AI for private equity managers and portfolio companies
Pricing. Pricing. Pricing.
Data diagnostic: the next step in value creation
Sustainability: if you can't measure it you can't improve it
Every company is a data company
Do more
Getting Frank about due diligence
Why settle for 5?
Chasing change: 2022 year in review
Evolving data due diligence
Data is a risk to mitigate & opportunity to realise in all M&A
Tesla: automaker or data company?
What questions are investors asking about data in the due diligence process?
Watch out world!
The potential for data to make (or break) a PE deal has never been greater than it is today
Data Maturity Survey - calling participants!
The new leverage